Melhorando o Sublime!

Já faz um tempinho... Desculpem-me por isso. Muito trabalho para fazer... :pensive: Vou tentar fazer 2 posts para compensar. (Já que quebrei minha promessa inicial) Eles serão posts rápidos (com alguma coisinha que aprendi durante essas semanas)

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Discovering Remark.js

Almost didn't made it this week! It's been a crazy week with a lot of papers to write and RGSoC :heart: (Rails Girls Summer of Code) kickoff. But, here I am, and this time I'll talk about Remark.js. Last post was about LaTeX with an example of a presentation I made using it, and remark.js is another way to do presentations. (:warning: Attention! LaTeX is more than just for presentations)

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A little about LaTeX

Since I started working with research, the teachers loved to talk about LaTeX and how it can help us save time writting our papers. How it's beautiful and how you can do lots of stuff easily that you can't with Microsoft Word. (Let's not talk about LibreOffice, it wouldn't be a fair fight)

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